Life is
full of excitement
Creating a sustainable and
exciting future
Our aim
Founder and CEO Masayuki TSURUMI worked at a food import company for 20 years, and while going abroad to purchase wine and food, realized the strength of the demand for Japanese products. In order to spread japanese prodocuts to the world he established Cross-Border Cultures and started export business in 2019.
Our aim is to introduce things and experiences from Japan that will excite people and make their everyday lives more enjoyable to a global audience, and vice versa.

Founder and CEO
Masayuki Tsurumi
Export Division
There are still many hidden gems in Japan. Our company is introducing such Japanese products and services to the world.
We are developing our e-commerce business in about 190 countries with sales bases in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Import Division
Every day, new seeds of technology are being born around the world that will improve the future. We are introducing products and services that brighten and excite the future to Japan through our import business.Our electric vehicle business contributes to CO2 reduction by reducing the energy required for transportation.


Beyond the borders of Japan and the world, we want to contribute to creating a sustainable and exciting future.We are committed to our business with the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in mind.